Saturday, May 13, 2006
UNICEF ambassador Clay Aiken visits school
Associated Press - The U.S. Fund for UNICEF today, May 10, 2006, announced that Middlesex Middle School in Darien, CT. won the first ever UNICEF Kids Helping Kids Challenge, which raised $14,209.34. In support of the challenge, Procter & Gamble donated $150,000 to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF. UNICEF ambassador Clay Aiken surprised the students to thank them for their tremendous fund-raising efforts. On behalf of the whole student body, Clay Aiken, second from right, accepts the check from Danny Kirkland of Procter & Gamble, left, along with eighth grader Findlay Bowditch, second from left, seventh grader Michael Ying, center second row, sixth grader Patrick McDonald, and principal Debi Boccanfuso.(Jeff Connel Camera 1 via newscast)
Little montage with Clay displaying some of his works with UNICEF as well as on stage. I apologize for the glowing yellow ball in the center of the video. It was an experiment to merge several layers of video and combining black & white and colour. The glowing yellow ball is the sun setting.
A Day Like Today
Clay Aiken: Celebrity Ambassador
Little montage with Clay displaying some of his works with UNICEF as well as on stage. I apologize for the glowing yellow ball in the center of the video. It was an experiment to merge several layers of video and combining black & white and colour. The glowing yellow ball is the sun setting.
A Day Like Today
Clay Aiken: Celebrity Ambassador
Technorati tags: Clay Aiken, UNICEF, American Idol
Looking forward to Mraz's Wordplay.
I am so excited. I am picking my Mom up from the airport next week and we are heading straight for the Jason Mraz concert.
I am a more recent fan of Mr. Mraz. I heard Remedy on the radio and liked it. Took notice and would turn my radio up when ever I heard it but didn't know much else about his music. That was a couple of years ago.
This year someone on a message board I visit mentioned his name. My interest was sparked again. I did what everyone else does. I googled. Low and behold there is a lot of stuff out there including video and such. I listened to one live performance after another. Soon I noticed I was humming a whole bunch of his tunes. That did it, I was a fan. When I heard he was coming to town I snapped up tickets as quick as I could. Really looking forward to hearing him live. Only thing, the concert is general admission I hate general admission but it can't be any worse than battling with ticketbastard for good seats. I HATE TICKETBASTARD!!!! From what I have seen and heard on line, the concert will be a lot of fun. EEEEEEEEE!! Hope the venue allows cameras.
This was one of the first songs after Remedy that I heard and I love it to bits. The video may take some time to load but it is really worth it.
Jason Mraz, Plane:2004 Live At Lestats. Video credit: Uncle Crispy Productions I love this song. It has been on repeat for awhile.
I am a more recent fan of Mr. Mraz. I heard Remedy on the radio and liked it. Took notice and would turn my radio up when ever I heard it but didn't know much else about his music. That was a couple of years ago.

This was one of the first songs after Remedy that I heard and I love it to bits. The video may take some time to load but it is really worth it.
Jason Mraz, Plane:2004 Live At Lestats. Video credit: Uncle Crispy Productions I love this song. It has been on repeat for awhile.
Technorati tags: Jason Mraz, Mr. A-Z, Waiting for my Rocket to Come
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Different Shade of Clay
You might have noticed I am kind of a fan of Clay Aiken. I am also a big fan of the fans themselves and their ability to aquire some of the greatest concert footage and generously share it with other fans. Cool thing about Clay Aiken....during his last tour (Juke Box Tour) he allowed cameras, even video.
This is some of the footage taken during his concerts put into a montage format. Thank you to all the fans who do such a great job gathering it all. I taped a concert once and have to say, it wasn't easy. You become very conscious of the fact that you are holding a camera. You don't want to move to much and heaven forbid you say something stupid or get all fangirly. The fangirly part is really hard to hold back. The concerts are just so much fun.
This is some of the footage taken during his concerts put into a montage format. Thank you to all the fans who do such a great job gathering it all. I taped a concert once and have to say, it wasn't easy. You become very conscious of the fact that you are holding a camera. You don't want to move to much and heaven forbid you say something stupid or get all fangirly. The fangirly part is really hard to hold back. The concerts are just so much fun.
Technorati tags: Clay Aiken, Juke Box Tour, American Idol
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
...pray for daylight.

Back to the scary movie at hand. I picked up the DVD Near Dark. Really cool vampire film. I watched it years ago and had kind of forgot about. I have to say, it never did get the exposure it deserved.
It was the last movie produced and released by DEG (DeLaurentiis Entertainment Group) while the studio was going bankrupt. It didn't get much publicity and was a disappointment at the box office. The film also ran into competition with the Lost Boys which was also released in 1987. If you were a teen in 1987 you probably loved this movie. You remember.......
It had this hot guy....

and these two...well...guys.

Come on, admit it you had your Tigerbeat with the fold out posters of these guys and sadly probably not the first two.
Well going to grab a bowl of popcorn and enjoy the show. It should be a bloody good romp.
Quick synopsis: Innocent country boy Caleb Colton (Adrian Pasdar) is seduced by a beautiful girl (Jenny Wright) into joining a group of drifters lead by Jesse (Lance Henriksen) which turn out to be a gang of vampires. The violence can be over the top but plays well.
Near Dark Trailer
Adrian Pasdar
Jenny Wright
Lance Henriksen
Bill Paxton
Jenette Goldstien
Directed by: Kathryn Bigelow
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
More of the same this summer.....please
Hubby and I where just discussing our plans for the summer. Haven't quite decided where to camp this year. He prefers to rough it in a tent. I prefer a cottage. Guess he could always pitch a tent infront of the cottage. We will probably settle on something near the French River in Northern Ontario. Beautiful area.
Last year I spent some time camping in Michigan. Had a very soggy stay in Interlochen. Was able to take in a concert or two, or three, or four. Ok I give up. I saw a lot of concerts last summer and I am hoping to do so again this summer.
Anyhoo, here is a little video I took at a concert in Rochester Hills. It was shot during Clay Aiken's Juke Box Tour and he was playing a little game called stump the band.
Last year I spent some time camping in Michigan. Had a very soggy stay in Interlochen. Was able to take in a concert or two, or three, or four. Ok I give up. I saw a lot of concerts last summer and I am hoping to do so again this summer.
Anyhoo, here is a little video I took at a concert in Rochester Hills. It was shot during Clay Aiken's Juke Box Tour and he was playing a little game called stump the band.
Clay Aiken - Stump The Band - Oh Girl.
Technorati tags: Clay Aiken
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Movie Night - A History of Violence

I have been stuck in the house for awhile, dog sitting. Anyhoo, it has provided some time to watch a lot of movies. I try to pick up four dvds a week. I usually scour the previously viewed bin at BlockBuster. Its almost as cheap to buy as it is to rent. Especially with the late fines I rack up. So no more renting.
This weekend I purchased:
The American President
History of Violence
Good Night & Good Luck
Wedding Crashers
The Matrix
I try to purchase movies that I will either want to watch again for different reasons (editing, story line, costume design, set design) or movies that changed the way I look at film. Others I simply purchase for the great featurettes. Small confession. I have some movies that I watch the special features more than the film itself. I love LOTR and rank it with my favourites but the special features are amazing. I spent a short time completely fascinated with the program Massive. Cool stuff.
Right now I am sitting through A History of Violence.
Admittedly I am a wimp when it comes to any level of violence. I usually spend the 90 minutes looking through intertwined fingers or clutching my hubby's shoulder, with him whispering "not yet, don't look yet". I find realistic violence the hardest to watch. Black Hawk Down, had me freaking out. Felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest each time I saw it. Considering it is my hubby's favourite movie (he enjoys the video game as well) I get to see it.....A LOT. There is one scene involving a severed thumb. OMG! I know when it is going to happen, I turn my head, but it never fails. I always glance back at the wrong moment and then it's done. I'm not going to sleep. That's how much it freaks me out. *weird I know*
I knew A History of Violence would be violent (um, the title kind of gave it away) so I cheated a little. I watched the featurette first. I like to have some idea of when I should turn away. Still managed to see a jaw being shot off and a violently rearranged nose. Ick. Even with a gratuitous level of violence I enjoyed the film. I like a movie that provokes a response even if that response is to be repulsed. Cause I was. The movie required you examine the idea of our nature and can we change from what we've grown to be to what we aspire to be. It also asks can we truly ever know another person.

I would definitely recommend. But be warned, some scenes are extremely graphic and not for anyone with a weak stomach. The acting and direction are top notch, with a well rounded cast including Viggo Mortenson, Maria Bello, Ed Harris and William Hurt. Directed by David Cronenberg
A History of Violence Trailor
Production Notes
Technorati tags: History of Violence, David Cronenberg, Viggo Mortensen
Here's a SmartCar Review....I Think
I don't have a clue as to what these guys are saying, but I believe they like the SmartCar.
I haven't taken mine through a cornfield yet. Maybe next weekend.

Technorati tags: Smart Car
Welcome to my thoughts
Ok, that's a little scary. This is my first blog so be patient. <-like anyone will read this anyway. Nothing to see right now, hopefully I will be inspired soon so I am not the most boring address on the web.