Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Dumb moment number.......

Honestly, I've stopped counting.

It happened in slow motion and as it was happening a little voice inside my head said "STOP"! Did I listen....no. Anyhoo, came home from work a lunch to pick some stuff up for my next appointment. Walk in the door, get distracted by the cat and place my keys down. Feed the cat, grab my keys and head out the door. I am looking at my keys and just as the door is about to close I realize I have grabbed the wrong set. AARRRGH!! My mother has my spare, but is out of town. Figures. I have NEVER locked myself out of my house, the one time I do no one with a spare is in town.

I call my manager and explain what has happened and ask if she can get me a number of a locksmith. Within this time I see that I have left a window unlocked, but it is too high for me to get through. The ladder is in the house. I find a rather large but not too sturdy rubbermaid container and jump on......with heels on and it has just rained. I wasn't on the box too long. Now covered in mud I climb back up and find out the window is too small for me to get through, I have no other choice then to remove all 4 pains and the screen. YAY! Got the screen off. BOO! Now I have to buy a new screen. Pop out the 4 windows and take a good jump to try to launch myself through the opening. It was only half successful. Good news...I was in the house, bad news...my ass end was hanging out the window. With my make-shift ladder kicked on its side, my legs are flailing around. At the same time the local kids are just getting off the bus from school and are greeted with my ass end. I heard a few giggles.

I wiggle around a little more and work my way through the window landing without a bit of grace on the bed. And so it goes. Another dumb moment. If I had a dollar.....you know the rest. Somedays I feel like I need to be wrapped in bubblewrap.

Somewhere between my dumb moments I put together a new montage for Clay Aiken's A Thousand Days from his new CD A Thousand Different Ways. Enjoy!

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