Sunday, May 07, 2006

Movie Night - A History of Violence

I have been stuck in the house for awhile, dog sitting. Anyhoo, it has provided some time to watch a lot of movies. I try to pick up four dvds a week. I usually scour the previously viewed bin at BlockBuster. Its almost as cheap to buy as it is to rent. Especially with the late fines I rack up. So no more renting.

This weekend I purchased:
The American President
History of Violence
Good Night & Good Luck
Wedding Crashers
The Matrix

I try to purchase movies that I will either want to watch again for different reasons (editing, story line, costume design, set design) or movies that changed the way I look at film. Others I simply purchase for the great featurettes. Small confession. I have some movies that I watch the special features more than the film itself. I love LOTR and rank it with my favourites but the special features are amazing. I spent a short time completely fascinated with the program Massive. Cool stuff.

Right now I am sitting through A History of Violence.

Admittedly I am a wimp when it comes to any level of violence. I usually spend the 90 minutes looking through intertwined fingers or clutching my hubby's shoulder, with him whispering "not yet, don't look yet". I find realistic violence the hardest to watch. Black Hawk Down, had me freaking out. Felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest each time I saw it. Considering it is my hubby's favourite movie (he enjoys the video game as well) I get to see it.....A LOT. There is one scene involving a severed thumb. OMG! I know when it is going to happen, I turn my head, but it never fails. I always glance back at the wrong moment and then it's done. I'm not going to sleep. That's how much it freaks me out. *weird I know*

I knew A History of Violence would be violent (um, the title kind of gave it away) so I cheated a little. I watched the featurette first. I like to have some idea of when I should turn away. Still managed to see a jaw being shot off and a violently rearranged nose. Ick. Even with a gratuitous level of violence I enjoyed the film. I like a movie that provokes a response even if that response is to be repulsed. Cause I was. The movie required you examine the idea of our nature and can we change from what we've grown to be to what we aspire to be. It also asks can we truly ever know another person.

The main character Tom Stall, by all appearances is a mild mannered family man running a quaint dinner in Millbrook, Indiana. His seemingly peaceful life is thrown into turmoil after he foils two criminals on a random murder spree. As Tom's heroic actions are covered in the news, the attention attracts the interests of some really seedy characters. Both Tom and his family struggle with the realization that he is not what he appears to be and that his history of violence has caught up with him.

I would definitely recommend. But be warned, some scenes are extremely graphic and not for anyone with a weak stomach. The acting and direction are top notch, with a well rounded cast including Viggo Mortenson, Maria Bello, Ed Harris and William Hurt. Directed by David Cronenberg

A History of Violence Trailor

Production Notes

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posted by Arquen_Mahtala at 10:22 PM


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