Friday, May 19, 2006

Went to the Jason Mraz Concert Last Night....

Jason Mraz
Originally uploaded by arquen_mahtala.
Last night I attended the Jason Mraz concert. I am by no means "old", but I did feel like one of the oldest people in the joint. The audience really skewed young which I thought was odd. I really thought that were be more late 20s and early 30s people in the audience. I really like Jason's music, especially his extraordinary quick wit with his lyrics. Unlike so many artists today played on the radio, Jason can actually sing and sing well. I hate buying a CD and then seeing a person live only to realize their voice was CREATED in the studio with programs such as Pro-tools (I'm thinking of you Miss Ashley Simpson-she who wouldn't know a note if it smacked her upside her head.) Not that I have actually seen her sing in person, that sporting event she sang at was enough to convince me that hearing her sing live would be some form of punishment I was not yet ready to experience.

I made an attempt at getting some video last night but my camera distorted the sound beyond all recognition, along with the sound already being a little off. Maybe it was the venue. I also had a hard time focusing in low light, even though there is a setting for night movie. My next camera will not be a Konica Minolta. If you have any suggestions on a reasonably priced camera that will shoot video in low light with a good zoom let me know. I like my camera for what I generally use it for which is mainly taking pictures of pretty flowers and bugs (love bugs), but I want another one for concerts.

Overall I really liked the concert and would probably go see him again. Hopefully at a venue that isn't general admission and has better sound.

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posted by Arquen_Mahtala at 2:48 PM


I really like Jason Mraz. I loved his first album "Waiting for My Rocket My Come"; adored his live album "Tonight, Not Again"; and hated his sophomore effort "Mr. A-Z". I have yet to see him in concert, but if it was anything like his live album, I'm sure it was great!
Blogger feelingthejoy, at 4:24 PM  

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