Saturday, May 20, 2006

That isn't gas pain, just my inner child trying to get out...

Woke up this morning with a stitch in my side. Thought it might be gas pains from the anchovy laden pizza last night but quickly realized it just my inner child trying to get out. Yes, it is Saturday. Time for Saturday morning cartoons.

Saturday morning cartoons on the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) has become a ritual of sorts for me. I get up, grab a cup of english breakfast tea with enough sugar to make the spoon stand up, get my sugar and caffeine buzz on and giggle with Mr. Meaty and Yam Roll. <- a cartoon solely dedicated the very good adventures of, you guessed it...... a yam roll. The CBC's Saturday morning line up reminds of the days of The Muppet Show. It's edgy, interesting an accessible by both kids and adults. Well at least adults who check in every once in awhile with that wee little voice inside them. Laughing and being silly keeps you young.

An episode of Mr. Meaty.

Welcome to fast-food hell, right across from the Salad N’ Dressin in the second-floor food court. Josh and Parker are in charge around here, and what they lack in customer service they more than make up for in imagination.

Lenz unleashes more puppets
More after-school kids fare coming from Decode, March and Nerd Corps for CBC
Official Site
Help Josh and Parker in the Mr. Meaty Game

There is another cartoon that I love but it is definitely not for the kiddies. Post about that later.

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posted by Arquen_Mahtala at 12:14 PM


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